Discounted Notes

Become the Bank! We offer discounted first position mortgage notes paying attractive interest rates. Please provide your contact information and one of our team members will contact you to discuss available notes.


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The Premier Marketplace For
Buying Discounted Mortgage

Our partner platform empowers real estate investors with the ability to
acquire discounted non-performing mortgages directly from institutions.
Historically, institutions have sold their non-performing loans to other
institutions. The prospect of selling performing and non-performing loans
one-off or in small pools to real estate investors was too cumbersome
because it would mean hundreds of contracts and closings. It’s not worth
it for institutions.
Our platform’s ultimate solution is by having loans sold into a trust with
U.S. Bank Trust as the Trustee and then providing participation agreements
to investors, who receive decision-making authority and economic
benefits from the specific loan or loans which they acquire. Sellers’s face
one institutional buyer, but individual real estate investors get the control
and benefits. This structure also allows the company to finance up to 75%
of every loan sold.
Instead of buying REOs, real estate investors can now access even greater
discounts by buying notes and becoming the Bank. Our streamlined
marketplace makes it easy for institutions to offer distressed mortgage
notes to individuals just like you at a discounted rate. Not only can you get
access to these notes before traditional real estate investors, but you may
also have unique opportunities to start collecting rent during the
foreclosure process.
Contact us for more details